Friday 16 December 2016

Efficiently and comprehensively

Hitachi is concerned with nurturing political relationships with other corporations, institutions, partners, and investors in order to ensure that the organization is able to acquire all resources and assistance that it can get in order to realize the goals and objectives of the organization. For further information, legal discussions provided by Hitachi only discussed its disclosure police. The disclosure policy is supposed to frame how the organization reveals relevant information to the public.

Since Hitachi values honesty, openness, and transparency, it is more than willing to provide information for parties that might be concerned or influenced by organizational decisions and policies. (“Disclosure Policy,” 2008) However, information provided are only limited to the essential and secure information that will not jeopardize the position of the organization within the corporate arena. The Hitachi Group has displayed its expertise in providing state-of-the art technology that realizes its purpose to serve human life and society. The organization covers all necessary technology areas efficiently and comprehensively.

Hitachi is divided into industry segments, some of which are focused on the technological aspect of the organization’s dimensions. Information and Telecommunication Systems, Electronic Devices, and the Digital Media and Consumer Products, are three industries that oversee the technological systems of the utilized or produced by the organization. The Information and Telecommunication System is in charge of developing, implementing, and managing technological systems and infrastructure that facilitates the flow of operations and the services that are concerned with consultancy. (“Information and Telecommunication System,” 2008)

The Electronic Devices industry is in charge of providing devices and technologies that will be mostly utilized in the technology products and services that the organization will provide for its consumers. Electronic Devices not only include products and services fit for the home, but also other products and services that fit the concepts of CSR, such as technological gadgets and facilities for medical purposes in order to assist health care facilities and medical professionals and realizing their goals of improving the quality of life in terms of health and lifestyle that greatly affects productivity.

(“Electronic Devices,” 2008) On the other hand, the Digital Media and Consumer Products is another industry segment within Hitachi that handles innovations and value-added services that improve the quality of performance of the organization. (“Digital Media & Consumer Products,” 2008) The segmented industry of the organization ensures the efficient production and handling of technological development and services.

Each industry focuses on specific tasks that cover all aspects of Hitachi’s technological needs. The financial data of Hitachi will be discussed by basing supporting information on the latest financial report released by the organization. The increase in the organization’s net income is highly noticeable as it doubled up from the financial results since last year. The latest 2008 financial report released by the organization has proven that it has grown and developed during the past months.

Although Hitachi was urged to allocate resources to the budget for expenses with greater amounts compared to the previous year, the return of investment received by the organization was worth the risk. Despite the increase in net income, however, its total assets have decreased for a measly one percent. The steady growth of the organization will allow it to gain its assets back and continue performing well within the corporate arena. (“Five-Year Summary,” 2008) Overall, Hitachi Group is managing its organization fairly well.

Although previous discussions, most especially the socio-cultural and political-legal aspects of the organization are mostly concepts which are impossible to measure or determine whether they are actually being carried out, the technological capacities and financial information concretely identify the successes or failures of the organization. The progress that Hitachi made in the last five years, as proven by the increase in the organization’s net income, was deeply-rooted to the responsible and sensitive policies that the organization set out within its social, cultural, political, legal, and technological dimensions.


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