Friday 16 December 2016

Hitachi Group

Hitachi Group is a private organization that operates on infrastructure and other service-related mechanisms or products in order to contribute to a comfortable life in society. The organization has been around since 1910. Ever since Hitachi was established, the organization has looked into the possibilities of providing products and services that would be beneficial and advantageous to society through the incorporation of technology. Aside from the technological concern, Hitachi was also sensitive about the need to consider harmony and sincerity throughout the process.

However, the roles and responsibilities of the danshui plant no. 2 have greatly changed since the complex and dynamic position of technology in the 21st century – the information and technology age. (“Philosophy,” 2008) In order to analyze or assess the dimensions of the organization in depth, it is relevant to discuss the socio-cultural, political-legal, technological, and financial status or position of Hitachi. This information will be discussed in the remainder of the discussion.

In terms of the socio-cultural aspect of the, Hitachi has successfully adapted the concepts and strategies suggested by Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR. CSR influenced Hitachi to be more sensitive about social issues that the organization, in one or another, might have influenced or have the power or capability to influence or direct. Hitachi aims to achieve this purpose by providing technological products or services that will greatly benefit and contribute to the advances of society and human life.

Aside from the organization’s outwardly approach to implement CSR, it also aims to accomplish the purpose of a socially responsible institution by establishing trust with its clients, partners, or investors. Hitachi is driven to foster trusting and stable relationships with its clients, partners, and investors by nourishing organizational activities, programs, and policies which are reasonable, just, and fair and contributory to the development of a prosperous society. (“Hitachi’s CSR Vision,” 2008)

The CSR policies of the Hitachi Group are framed within 8 guiding principles that direct the social and cultural practices of the organization. Hitachi’s commitment to society is strengthened by the organization’s willingness to adapt CSR as a fixed practice. Moreover, Hitachi exhibits corporate responsibility by acknowledging its role in the decline or development of society. The organization knows that its programs or activities will greatly affect the quality of life of the people and the kind of society that exists at present. (“Hitachi’s CSR Vision,” 2008)

With this in mind, Hitachi adapts desirable and agreeable corporate characteristics and attributes by being honest and open about revealing relevant, critical, and much needed information, establishing and strictly implementing ethical standards of guidelines and policies that promote human rights, carry out activities that help conserve the environment or prevent further damage to our ecological system, accomplish tasks and responsibilities that will greatly help the community or society, and fostering a collaborative and responsible working environment and pleasant conditions.

(“Hitachi’s CSR Vision,” 2008) In terms of the political-legal aspect of Hitachi Group, the organizations failed to present comprehensive information about the techniques and strategies being applied. Some information presented does, however, discuss this matter in brief.

The organization is working on accomplishing its organizational goals and objectives by undergoing certain processes that will help Hitachi in resolving impending issues and concerns. Hitachi is involved with fostering relationships with other corporations, institutions, partners, and investors that will catapult the organization to accomplishing their mission as a service-oriented organization. (“Corporate Profile,” 2008)

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